viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018

Vegetable facts

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Vegetable Facts

Watermelons are actually vegetables, related to pumpkins, cucumbers and
Bell peppers are a great source of vitamin C. They contain twice as much
(by weight) as citrus fruits!
• Cucumbers have the highest water content of any vegetable.
Onions and potatoes all have the same taste. The difference  in flavour is caused by their smell. Pinch your nose and try it – they will both taste sweet.
Broccoli and cauliflower are the only vegetables that are also flowers!.
• Ounce for ounce, Broccoli has more vitamin C than an orange and as much calcium as a glass of milk.
• Onions make you cry because they are full of sulphuric chemicals, which irritate your tear ducts. Sulphur is the same gas which is produced by volcanoes when they erupt.
Roasted carrots, onions, potatoes, sweet potato, yams, parsnips, swede, squash, courgettes (zucchini) and peppers are some of the most popular roasting vegetables.
Cabbage can smell so very bad when cooking it because of a chemical release during the cooking
Peppers and Chillies are members of the Capsicum family.
Spinach was first cultivated in Persia several thousand years ago.
• There are more than 400 types of potato; ranging in size, colour and appearance, and potato provides a rich source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients; these healthy vegetables are particularly high in vitamin C
Leeks are members of the onion family and along with garlic and chives.
• The first carrots that were grown were purple in colour! Orange carrots later originated from Holland.
• Raw garlic contains an antibiotic which can have a very powerful effect on the body. Eaten raw, it can help to fight against serious diseases such as cancer and stroke.
Celery is a fantastic vegetable for athletes as it quickly replaces lost nutrients.
• Parsnip recipes were used to create desserts, jams, wine and beer!
Turnips were originally fed to cattle! It is a popular eating vegetable for
humans now since the nutritional value of turnips has been recognized!
• The cauliflower is a member of the cabbage family.
Brussel sprouts have many health benefits as they can help the digestive system, memory, eye health, strengthen the immune system and protect the body!
• Nicky’s favourite vegetables are: cauliflower, broccoli and butternut squash.


1) What vegetables are watermelons related to? ______________________
2) Which vegetable has the highest water content? ____________________
3) Name the two vegetables which are also flowers ____________________
4) Name three of the most popular roasting vegetables
5) Peppers and Chillies are members of which family?
6) What was the original colour of carrots?
7) How many types of potato are there? _____________________________
8) Leeks are members of which family? _____________________________
9) Where was spinach first grown? ________________________________
10) Which vegetable is fantastic for athletes? _______________________
11) What do bell peppers contain a great source of? ___________________
12) Which two vegetables have the same taste? ______________________
13) Name one of Nicky’s favourite vegetables _________________________

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