miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2022

Universe complete


lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2022




1.-Name of the place you visited: 

I have been in ...

2.-Is it big or small? 

It is…… 

3.- What are their measures? 

It is ____km long. 

Its diameter is___km long.

4.-Geography (mountains, desert, water, lakes, rivers, oceans, forest….)   

o   There are…    

o   There is…    

o   There aren’t….    

o   There isn’t…. 


5.- How far is it from the Sun?

 It is_________ km from the Sun 

6.- Near places. 

Example: Mars and The Earth are near it.

7.- Name of the galaxy: 

 Example: The milky way is the Galaxy where it is located 


8.- Temperature and weather    

 o   The highest temperature is______ degrees      

o   The lowest temperature is _______ degrees      

o In ... in summer/winter/autumn/spring it's... (sunny, windy, cloudy, foggy, rainy, snowy, stormy, hot, cold, warm, freezing)


9.- Animals       

o The most traditional animal in ____ is the_____. It is …… It has…. 

10.- Food       

o   The most popular dish in _______ is the______. The ingredients are….. 

11.- Houses       

o   The houses are…. 

12.- Means of transport (travel)       

o   The_____ is the most used mean of transport in ___


jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2022












Universe vocabulary Part 2:

  • ROCKET: A powerful spacecraft that lifts astronauts, satellites and other equipment into space.

  • METEOR: A chunk of space rock that burns as it travels through Earth’s atmosphere; sometimes called a shooting star.

  • MOON PHASES: The changing views of the moon as it orbits the Earth.

  • MOON: A natural object that orbits a planet.

  • PLANET: A large, round object that orbits a star.

  • GRAVITY: The strong invisible force that pulls things to the center of a planet or star. It keeps things from floating off Earth into sky.

  • DWARF PLANET: A kind of small planet, including Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris.

  • COMET: A space object with a large orbit around the sun, made up of icy gases, rock and dust.

  • SPACESHIP: A vehicle designed to orbit the earth or travel to celestial objects for the purpose of research, exploration…

  • UFO: Unidentified Flying Object

  • ALIEN: A being from another world, an extraterrestrial.

  • ATMOSPHERE: The air surrounding a planet.

  • ASTRONAUT: A person who travels into space.

  • ASTEROID BELT: The area between Mars and Jupiter were many asteroids are found.



-Mercury is the first planet in the solar system.
- Venus is the second planet in the solar system.
- The Earth is the third planet in the solar system.
- Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system.
- Jupiter is the fifth planet in the solar system.
- Saturn is the sixth planet in the solar system.
-Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system.
- Neptune is the eighth planet in the solar system.
- Pluto is the ninth dwarf planet in the Solar System.


miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2022



  • GALAXY: A very large group of stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.

  • ASTRONOMER: A person who studies space.

  • ORBIT: An orbit is a regular, repeating path that one object in space takes around another one.

  • CONSTELLATION: One of 88 grouping of stars that make an imaginary picture.

  • SOLAR SYSTEM: A star and the objects that orbit it.

  • STAR: A bright, shining ball of gases such as Earth’s sun, usually seen in the night sky.

  • MERCURY: The smallest and closest planet to the sun. It’s similar in size to the moon.

  • VENUS: It’s the hottest planet in our solar system. It’s covered in lava. At night, it looks like a bright star in the sky.

  • EARTH: It’s our home and the only planet known to support life. It’s covered by oceans.

  • MARS: It looks reddish because there is a lot of iron in the rocks on the surface.

  • JUPITER: It’s the biggest planet in our Solar System, all other planets could fit inside it.

  • SATURN: It has thousand of rings that are made of icy rocks. It has at least 53 moons.

  • URANUS: It’s tilted and it spins sideways. It’s the coldest planet. It has at least 27 moons.

  • NEPTUNE: It’s a gas giant. It takes 165 years to travel all the way around the sun.

  • SUN: It’s a star. It gives us hot and light so it keeps plants and animals on Earth alive. It’s the center of the Solar System.

  • SATELLITE: A spacefcraft that orbits a planet and is filled with equipment to do jobs such as tracking weather and making maps.

  • TELESCOPE: A piece of equipment, shaped like a tube, that makes far away things look closer.




